In 2013, Divine Chocolate USA hosted two farmer representatives from Kuapa Kokoo: Christiana and Afriye. They had a robust itinerary, traveling across many cities and meeting various people along the way! Below are some highlights from their visit:
Washington, D.C.
- Joined in at a special Fairtrade pop-up celebration at Ben & Jerry’s in Georgetown, sponsored by Fairtrade America
- Attended the ‘Taste of 8th’, a festival in the neighborhood of Divine Chocolate USA Headquarters
- Participated in a panel event at American University: “The Fair Trade Value Chain: From Investor to Farmer to Shelf” -- hosted by American University Fair Trade Association and co-sponsored by Oikocredit USA
- Visited Fairtrade retailer and partner SERRV (in New Windsor, MD)
Media, PA
- Spoke to students at The Walden School and Glenside Weldon Elementary -- with co-sponsors: Media Fair Trade Committee and Untours.
- Visited friends at Ten Thousand Villages Media
- Attended ‘Dining Under the Stars’ with friends from Earth & State
New York City
- Spoke at an event co-hosted by Oxfam American’s GROW Campaign and Slow Food USA -- featuring partners working toward the same goals of prioritizing small-scale and women farmers, and encouraging participatory co-ownership, democratic decision-making, and shared wealth.
- Spoke at an event, “Sustainable Sweets: A Conversation with Fair Trade Cocoa Farmers and Oikocredit” -- cosponsored by Oikocredit and Wagner Food Policy Alliance
- Sampled Divine recipes by NYC bloggers at a bake sale at the Brooklyn Flea
- Featured on a radio program (WBEZ 91.5) -- discussed how they have benefited from fair trade and what life is like as a member of Kuapa Kokoo
- Spoke at an event hosted by The Center for Global Engagement and co-sponsored by Afrilogue
- Celebrated World Fair Trade Day, with Chicago Fair Trade in Daly Plaza
- Spoke at “Sweet Justice, Lessons in Food Justice with Cocoa Farmers” -- with co-sponsor OxFam America
- Attended an event, ‘Empowered by Chocolate’ -- to discuss how to support Fair Trade cocoa in the NW United States